
Damian O’Connor
BSc DipAud MAudA (CCP)
Having fitted well over 10,000 hearing aids, Damian has seen a huge evolution in hearing aid technology and miniaturisation over the years. He is an Audiologist with more than 25 years’ experience including in Paediatric Audiology, training hearing aid clinicians and Cochlear implant fittings.
Damian’s expertise and client centered approach has led him to achieve successful outcomes for his clients and to be well respected in his field. Damian is often recommended by doctors and friends of existing clients.
Damian has been working with the HHMP doctors for over 10 years.
Damian is available at Hunters Hill Medical Practice every week on a Wednesday afternoon.
You can contact Damian directly at ‘WHAT The Hearing Centre’.
To book an appointment, please call: 02 9420 2300

More about Audiology
Audiologists are experts in hearing related matters. They evaluate, diagnose and treat people with hearing loss and balance disorders. Their role incorporates not just hearing assessments, hearing aid prescriptions, fitting and management but also rehabilitation and evaluation of more complex hearing concerns.
These Audiologists possess comprehensive knowledge of the human auditory and vestibular systems, and they have extensive training in sound reproduction, which is critical to the accurate fitting and adjustment of hearing aids.
Audiologists perform a range of assessments including assessing hearing and auditory function, vestibular (balance) function, tinnitus, auditory processing function and neural function. They can also provide counselling as well as aural (re)habilitation which encompasses the prescription and fitting of hearing aids and other assistive devices (hearing aids, FM and other remote sensing systems, bone conduction aids and hearing assistive technology e.g. TV listening devices).
Audiologists personalise their services to improve a person’s involvement in important daily activities and improve their quality of life. They treat all ages. Audiologists work in a multidisciplinary team with GPs, speech pathologists and ENT surgeons.
Some of the services that an audiologists can provide include:
- Child hearing tests over the age of 3 years
- Hearing assessments for adults (comprehensive)
- Tympanometry, speech testing, speech in noise testing
- Hearing aid fittings (most brands)
- Cochlear Implant fittings
- Hearing aid repairs and servicing
- Government funded services for Pensioners and most DVA card holders
- Ear wax removal
- Hearing loss counselling and rehabilitation
- Tinnitus advice and rehab
- Ear plugs including musicians earplugs, sleep and swim plugs
- Reports sent to your doctor or specialist
- Hearing protection (custom musician/noise/swimming/sleep plugs)
- Communication training
- Vestibular (balance) rehabilitation.
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