Useful Links
Please see the below list of general contact numbers for various health services in the local area.
In addition, here are some helpful links to national health programs and services:
- Ambulance – Emergency only 000
- Ambulance – Bookings 13 12 33
- Poisons Information 13 11 26
- After Hours Doctor – Home Visits 13 74 25
- Concord Hospital (02) 9767 5000
- Sydney Children’s Hospital – Randwick (02) 9382 1111
- Royal North Shore Hospital (02) 9926 7111
- Ryde Hospital (02) 9874 0199
- Westmead Children’s Hospital (02) 9845 0000
- Gladesville Police (02) 9879 9699
- Gladesville Community Aid (02) 9817 0101
- Interpreter Service 1300 131 450

Mental Health
- Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services
- Diabetes Australia
- National Asthma Council Australia
- Cancer Council
- Breast Screen
- Cervical Screening
- Cancer Screening
- Red Cross Blood Service
- Osteoporosis Australia
- Medicines Line (National Prescribing Service)
- St John’s Ambulance
- Influenza
- Department of Health – Health Warnings
If you are still looking for more information or would like to chat to our friendly team, please call us (02) 9817 2080.