Influenza / Flu vaccine
If you’re travelling overseas for work or a holiday, it’s a good idea to find out about travel vaccinations. The Australian Government provides an updated summary of required vaccinations and health alerts on its website.
Travel Vaccines
At Hunters Hill Medical Practice, we have a large range of travel vaccines in stock. These include:
- Adult diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio
- Both hepatitis A & B individually or combined (Twinrix)
- Cholera
- Measles, mumps and rubella
- Mencevax for short term protection against various strains of meningococcal disease
- Typhoid
- Yellow Fever

travel vaccination

Yellow Fever Accredited Centre
Doctors at Hunters Hill Medical Practice, have been accredited by NSW health to provide Yellow fever vaccination. The Yellow Fever vaccine is in stock and can be given on the day of consultation if appropriate. You will then be given a stamped official vaccination certificate for your travels.
When to get your travel vaccinations
It’s a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor at least four weeks, preferably six weeks before you travel. This will allow enough time for your doctor to create an appropriate vaccine schedule for you.
Talk to your GP about your travel plans
Your doctor and nursing staff can provide you and your family with a comprehensive range of travel medicine services, including:
- Appropriate immunisations
- Advice on avoiding malaria and cholera
- Advice on avoiding sexually transmitted diseases
- Updates on travelling with medications
- Medical advice for yourself and your family
Call Us on 02 9817 2080 to book an appointment today!