COVID-19: Positive approaches to Keep everyone safe

Welcome to the HHMP COVID-19 updates page. This page is intended to be your source of up to date information on how Hunters Hill Medical Practice, doctors and staff are managing the COVID-19 epidemic to ensure the highest level of patient care and safety. This is not the page for the COVID-19 or Influenza (Flu) vaccine clinic. Please see the button below.


What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a novel Corona virus, meaning that as a species we do not have immunity or a vaccine for it. If left unchecked, it is able to spread quickly causing many people to become ill and overwhelming our health system. An overwhelmed health system will mean patients that could be supported through their illness might miss out. This is why the social distancing and similar measures have been taken. While the virus, has caused significant health (physical and mental), economic and social disruption, by working together we can slow the spread and begin to get back to some normality sooner.

If you have respiratory symptoms, such as cough, fever, sore throat, temperature or shortness of breath, please do not come into the practice. Please call us first to have a telehealth review and get appropriate advice about what to do and how to go about it.

Hunters Hill Medical Practice – Remains open with our usual days, usual hours and usual doctors. Some consults can not be performed by Telehealth such as vaccinations, lacerations and injections. We are open with multiple protocols in place to ensure appropriate social distancing and efficient patient flow.


Available Consults types

  • In person – usual consults in our rooms for injuries / vaccines etc. We book less consults so doctors are more likely to be on time minimising wait time. Alternatively patients could wait in their car until called. Masks are encouraged.
  • In person consults for patients with respiratory symptoms – these patients are screened by telehealth first and ideally managed remotely. If the patient needs to physically present, they stay in their car and communication occurs via mobile phone. The masked patient is then directed to an isolated room with its own entry and exit accessible from the car park. They do not go through the practice and at no stage do they come in contact with other patients. They are examined in the isolated room by a doctor in full personal protective equipment (PPE) and sent back to their car. The doctor then calls them by mobile to report findings. Scripts are sent directly to the pharmacist for pick up or delivery. The isolation room is cleaned between patients and staff follow infection control protocols.
  • Tele-health for at risk patients – this is conducted by video or phone to patients who may have COVID-19, have been exposed to COVID-19 or meet the government criteria. For example, patients over 70, pregnant women, the immune-compromised or those with children under 1 year of age. These consults are BULK Billed, with no fee to the patient.
  • Tele-health for other patients – consults are conducted by Video (Eg: Zoom) or phone to other patients who need it. To book, please call 9817 2080.
  • Home visits – will be organised for patients who need them. Doctors follow appropriate infection control protocols.
  • Nursing homes – We will continue to look after patients in nursing homes with appropriate infection control protocols in palce.
  • Required procedures such stitching, iron infusions etc continue with as much social distancing as possible. Masks are encouraged.
  • The best way to book a consult is to call our staff on 9817 2080.

Social distancing and our waiting room

  • Our waiting room has been altered to account for social distancing guidelines as have our doctors rooms.
  • Extra blocks in the appointment books have been put in to try and keep doctors closer to time and patients waiting less (waiting in the car allowed).
  • Additional infection control measures have been put in place during the COVID-19 epidemic. Staff clean the waiting room multiple times per day using Viraclean and hand sanitiser is available at all access points and in doctor’s rooms.


  • Normal childhood vaccination is essential and even more so now. All vaccines are in stock and patients are encouraged to maintain this up to date.
  • FLU VACINE – more important this year then ever! This is available from HHMP. We are encouraging patients to have this even though influenza cases have been low due to travel restrictions. This is especially important for a risk patients such as the elderly and those with chronic disease. The last thing one needs is COVID-19 on top of Influenza or vice versa. If you have not had your fluvax yet, please call 9817 2080 to book.
  • Pneumonia vaccination – the rules have recently changed and we will be contacting all eligible patients to come in and get their vaccines when government stock becomes available.
  • We continue to administer other vaccines such as whooping cough, tetanus and meningococcal for those who need them.
  • Vaccination can be booked by calling 9817 2080 or online via the healthengine app.

Influenza Testing

  • Some pathology companies have stopped testing for respiratory viruses such as RSV and influenza due to a shortage of reagents
  • HHMP has a private RAPID INFLUENZA TEST that gives the result within 20 minutes from a simple nasal swab. This helps guide decision making in regards to starting medications.

Financial hardship

  • Patients deserve to be seen and looked after, no matter what the financial situation. If you are facing financial hardship, please discuss with your doctor.

Allied Health

  • Allied health providers at HHMP remain open and are using a combination of techniques to manage patients during the COVID-19 crisis. This includes, phone and video consults, online classes, home visits and of course clinic visits with social distancing considerations.
  • Please call 9817 2080 to book an appointment with the physiotherapist, podiatrist, dietician or psychologists. Various specialists also continue to operate in a hybrid system with telehealth and physical consults. Please call us for advice.

Further changes

  • The COVID-19 situation is dynamic and rapidly changing. We are constantly adapting and putting in place policies and procedures to deliver the best possible care and minimise risk to our patients.
  • Please call 9817 2080 if you have a question or email [email protected]
  • For further information please see the NSW Health COVID 19 Website which has a wealth of information on it.
Dr Timothy Ting

COVID-19 vaccine Update  

Updated 05/09/2021

In light of the growing numbers in Sydney’s latest COVID-19 outbreak, Hunters Hill Medical Practice has ramped up our COVID-19 vaccination clinics to help with the national vaccination program. We have been averaging 100-150 vaccines per day and we did 627 vaccines in our biggest week so far. This is an huge effort and has required much preparation and long hours by the whole team.

We have been offering both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines for some time now. Usually we offer, AstraZeneca on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Pfizer vaccination occurs on Wednesday, Friday and some Saturdays.

Despite unlimited availability, we have recently noticed a decrease in demand for the AstraZeneca vaccine even amongst over 60 year olds. Pfizer supply remains limited and this has restricted our capacity to book more patients for their Pfizer vaccination. We expect Pfizer supply to improve in October at which time we will be able to offer more Pfizer vaccine slots for patients. In the meantime please be patient and potentially consider an AstraZeneca vaccination which can usually occur within a day or two!

Ready to get vaccinated? AstraZeneca vaccines can be booked online via the Book-Now button on our webpage. Pfizer vaccines need to be booked by phone on 9817 2080.

Please continue to wear masks, social distance, get tested and isolate if appropriate. Stay Safe.

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