HHMP winner of multidisciplinary award in pen cs awards
Hunters Hill Medical Practice has been announced as the winner of the inaugural Pen CS data driven quality improvement awards for general practice and Aboriginal Medical Services.
Pen CS is a provider of health informatics software and applications that support health professionals in performing data research and continuous quality improvements. The use of this software makes it easier for general practices like HHMP to identify at risk populations and target those with appropriate intervention.
The inaugural Pen CS Awards
This is a national event to recognise excellence in data-driven quality improvement in General Practice and Aboriginal Medical Services. Pen CS CEO Edweana Wenkart said:
“The inaugural Pen CS Awards recognise excellence in data-driven quality improvement that improves patient outcomes. Data is pivotal to informing quality improvement (QI) programs and so is a strong practice culture, with a learning orientation, that embraces health informatics to inform QI. The Awards will acknowledge innovation in health informatics and the esteemed and pivotal role of Practice teams and Doctors in General Practice and Aboriginal Medical Services, for their commitment to building a healthy Australia,”
Pen CS are aiming to support Australia’s shift to value-based healthcare with a focus on improved outcomes. The effective use of health informatics by primary care practices such as general practice facilitates quality improvement. It can help practices improve their ability to deliver high quality patient outcomes by using data and feedback to track and assess performance over time and to make necessary changes in processes.
The awards ceremony took place on Thursday 16th of September 2021. In announcing the Multidisciplinary award Pen CS CEO Edweana Wenkart highlighted HHMP as an organisation with a “pioneering spirit and new models of clinical care” which was deserving of a surprise award “The multidisciplinary care award” that was focused on “integrated team care”.
In receiving the award, HHMP Medical Director, Dr Charbel Badr, started off by congratulating all the other winners for their awards and the hard work they do each day. He proceeded to thank PEN CS for recognising HHMP for the programs that we run for Indigenous school children and older people at risk of osteoporosis and fractures. He said:
“The Multidisciplinary award fits very well with our practice ethos which is about bringing GP, multiple allied health services and specialists all in the one place to improve access and outcomes for patients.”
He went on to speak about data and using such data for clinical care:
“As we all know accessing clinical data from the clinical software can sometimes be very difficult. The PEN CS software makes this very much easier in allowing us to link with target populations. I would like to specifically thank PEN CS and the Sydney North Health Network for making this available.”
Dr Badr finished by thanking the HHMP team for all their hardwork, especially in the last 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

HHMP winner PEN CS Multidisciplinary Award
The HHMP data experience
HHMP uses the Pen CS software and other data tools on a regular basis to help us personalise and optimise our services. We recently used the Pen CS software as part of our COVID-19 vaccination clinic, our in-house bone density screening week and to create a health assessment plan for Indigenous students in partnership with St Joseph’s College (Joeys). Having access to quality data, presented in a simple and functional way allows for easy analysis and patient identification.
HHMP would like to thank the team at Pen CS for shortlisting our practice team for the awards and the Sydney North Health Network (SNHN) for their support with data tools and continuous quality improvement.