Australian Government COVID-19 Vaccine Strategy

HHMP will start COVID-19 Phase 1b vaccination for eligible patients from Wednesday 24th March 2021
The Australian Government COVID-19 Phase 1b vaccine rollout will start soon in General Practice. The good news is that Hunters Hill Medical Practice has been selected to start vaccinating from the very first week of the Phase 1b rollout.
Due to the limited amount of government COVID-19 vaccine stock, HHMP has only been allocated up to 100 doses per week for the first part of the program. This is much less than we requested or are capable of administering. We hope and expect our allocation will increase in the coming weeks as local production ramps up.
We understand that the limited amount of stock will cause some anxiety for patients. We will be using an equitable process that meets the government phase 1b eligibility criteria to contact eligible patients. We will start with the most elderly or those with very serious medical conditions first. We intend to get to everyone as quickly as possible.
If you have seen us in the last 2 years, you will have an active file and we will be aware that you will need vaccination. Please do not contact the practice for an appointment at this stage in order to allow us to focus on the rollout. Please be patient and continue to monitor the latest news part of this website for further updates.
Vaccination will not occur on the ground floor GP area, but rather on the first floor. Stairs from Ryde Road and a lift from the Ryde Road side of the practice are available. All will be signposted in due course and there will be no need to attend downstairs at all. Please print, read and complete the consent form at home and bring it with you with any questions to discuss.
Upstairs, you will need to wait in the specific vaccine waiting area to be called by the nurse. Consent and vaccination will occur in a private room before being directed to a post-vaccination waiting area. The post vaccine wait will initially be 30mins. We expect the whole process to take under 1 hour. As the vaccine is free as per government criteria, there is no need to go downstairs for payment. Once you have completed your post vaccine waiting period, you can simply proceed home. Please contact our nurses if you have any side effects (side effect information will be provided).
Please keep an eye on this website for more information coming soon. Instead of calling our reception, please check this blog or our COVID-19 page often for the latest and most accurate information.