In Vaccination, COVID-19

NUrse Dee

vaccine clinic

The HHMP  vaccine clinic will offer both COVID-19 and flu vaccination. Efficient timing of your doses can ensure you are protected even earlier. 

COVID-19 vaccination will start soon in general practice. This is likely to coincide with the Influenza (flu) vaccination season. So what are the rules?

How many doses is the COVID-19 vaccine? 2 doses

How far apart should the COVID-19 doses be? 12 weeks

How many doses is the flu vaccine? 1  for the vast majority of people (some children <9 and other at risk groups may need a second shot)

Can both vaccines be had on the same day? No.

Flu and covid-19 vaccines will need to be separated form each other by at least 2 weeks. Eg: flu vaccine can be had at least 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after a COVID-19 dose.

Please see the diagram above for a simple graphical representation of the time separation between COVID-19 and Influenza (flu vaccines).

Before coming to the COVID-19 vaccine clinic 

Please use the government phase 1b eligibility checker to see if you meet phase 1b criteria so you are ready to book online once that becomes available.

Future updates.

Please keep an eye on this website for more information coming soon. Instead of calling our reception, please check this blog or our COVID-19 page often for the latest and most accurate information.
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