1 year after diagnosing our first COVID-19 case, we have now vaccinated our first patient
On Wednesday 24th of March 2021, Hunters Hill Medical Practice nurses vaccinated our first patient with the COVID-19 vaccine. This has been a moment 1 year in the making as this time last year, we had just diagnosed our first COVID-19 case in a returned traveller. A lot can happen in 1 year!
Great start for vaccine clinic
On Monday and Tuesday we had stress tested our systems and run a mock vaccine clinic in preparation for Wednesday. The first patients to be vaccinated were high risk individuals that meet the Phase 1b Criteria. The patients had a positive attitude and were an absolute pleasure to deal with. They were keen to help start the recovery effort for the country. The vaccine clinic ran smoothly and a special thanks goes to the clinic staff, especially the nursing team who put in a huge effort preparing us. All the hard work paid off. We have reviewed the flow today and have made a few small improvements that will make every future vaccine clinic even smoother.
More vaccine clinic appointments
From Monday, a much bigger number of appointments will be available for people to book. Please check our online BOOK NOW button for the latest availability which is updated live. Please check your eligibility under the phase 1b eligibility criteria. If eligible, we welcome you to make a booking online, by clicking the BOOK NOW button at the top of this page or calling our staff on 9817 2080. If not eligible, consider booking your flu vaccine to get that out of the way and serve the 2 week wait before you become eligible for COVID-19 vaccine.
Vaccine clinic patient flow
Vaccination does not occur on the ground floor GP area, but rather on the first floor. Stairs from Ryde Road and a lift from the Ryde Road side of the practice are available. Please follow the signs and orange arrows. Please print, read and complete the consent form at home and bring it with you to the vaccination hub.
From the Vaccination Hub, you will be directed to wait in the specific vaccine waiting area to be called by the nurse. Consent and vaccination will occur in a private room before being directed to a post-vaccination waiting area. The post vaccine wait will vary from 15-30mins depending on your allergy status. We expect the whole process in the vaccine clinic to take under 1 hour. The COVID vaccine is free as per government criteria, so, there is no need to go downstairs for payment (some patients may need to pay upstairs for the flu vaccine, $30). Once you have completed your post vaccine waiting period, you can simply proceed home.
Please keep an eye on this website for more information coming soon. Instead of calling our reception, please check this blog or our Vaccine Clinic page for the latest and most accurate information, documents and videos.