In Vaccination, COVID-19

Week 7 update: More COVID-19 appointments available at HHMP as over 50s become eligible. 

We are now in week 7 of the HHMP COVID-19 and flu vaccine clinic. We have given over 700 COVID-19 vaccines and even more flu vaccines. We have recently received correspondence from the government that we are likely to have an increased allocation of COVID-19 vaccine in the coming weeks.

Thank you to the local community and Hunters Hill Council

We would like to thank the local community for their positive feedback and constant support with regards to the HHMP vaccine clinic. Recently, Hunters Hill Council’s Mayor set a good example when he presented for his vaccination and was especially brave! Hunters Hill Council has always supported the local community and local health care services. HHMP is proud to have assisted Hunters Hill Council with their staff health and preventative measures. HHMP has run flu vaccine clinics for the council employees for many years and the 2021 clinic was well attended and a great success.

What are the changes 

Recently National Cabinet has met and changed eligibility criteria for vaccination. Until now eligibility was limited to those over 70 years of age or adults with chronic medical conditions. The recent changes by National Cabinet open up eligibility to all patients 50 years of age or above whether they have a chronic condition or not.

How does this affect me?

If you are above 50 years of age or older you are now able to book for a COVID-19 vaccine. You can also use the government eligibility checker to confirm if you are eligible for vaccination. Please check our online booking system or call us on 02 9817 2080 to make a booking.

It may be a few weeks before you get your COVID-19 vaccination, in the meantime, please consider booking your flu vaccination as now is the ideal time to get vaccinated against influenza and this needs to be separated from the COVID-19 shot by 2 weeks.

why should I get the flu vaccine? 

With all the focus on COIVD-19 vaccination, flu vaccination has not received as much media attention. It remains much more likely for everyday people to catch influenza than COVID-19. While the decreased travel has lessened the risk of Influenza in 2020, the 2021 season remains difficult to predict,. Influenza (flu) vaccination remains the best protection. More information is available from NSW Health.

People with the following medical conditions are at greater risk of severe flu:

  • cardiac disease, including cyanotic congenital heart disease, coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure
  • chronic respiratory conditions, including suppurative lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and severe asthma
  • other chronic illnesses requiring regular medical follow up or hospitalisation in the previous year, including diabetes mellitus, chronic metabolic diseases, chronic renal failure, and haemoglobinopathies
  • chronic neurological conditions that impact on respiratory function, including multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and seizure disorders
  • impaired immunity, including HIV, malignancy and chronic steroid use

Even if you are not in a high risk group, vaccination remains your best protection.

More COVID-19 vaccine appointment coming soon 

As soon as we receive our increased allocation of COVID-19 vaccines, we will open up more appointments on our online booking system. We expect this to happen in the next 1-2 weeks. So, please continue to check here, our vaccine clinic page and the online booking system (top right hand corner of this page) for further availabilities.

With the increased activity around vaccination, our patient numbers each day are significantly higher. Please be patient with our staff and if you are here for only Flu or COVID-19 vaccination, please proceed directly upstairs and check-in there. Also, our carpark has recently been more full than usual. Please take care when parking, consider car-pooling, walking if it is a nice day or taking public transport.

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